Does work-life balance exist?

It may be hard to admit, but we all could use some help in our personal and professional lives. 

Studies show that most Americans admit feeling overworked and overwhelmed. Does work-life balance exist?

In the last 18 months a pivotal conversation began about the framework of our culture and the pressure people feel to over-work. I personally felt a deep inner conflict contributing to a system that placed high value in someone's productivity. Though it troubled me to learn that many people felt unhappy and burned out like me, I was happy a discussion to bring awareness to this reality was occurring.

In 2020, as I became an entrepreneur I developed a new understanding of the pressure to over-work. I like most new business owners wanted to save money by creating my business assets. After all, I had a certain set of skills (lol) and I wanted to put them to good use.

What I forgot, in the excitement of creating a new business was that I do not need to do it all myself. In fact, the more I overworked, the less productive I was.

I found myself in an unhealthy pattern yet again. After spinning on the hamster wheel for a few months, I realized it wasn't sustainable and had no work-life balance. I made the decision to spend a little bit of my own money, and considered it an invest in my health and business simultaneously. Win win!

Being your own boss is tough, and the pressures to overwork are real.

How can you sustain a healthy work-life balance?

  1. Take a look at your historical patterns going back to your youth. This one is deep and may require assistance from a professional. Are you a fixer? Do you always work beyond your normal work hours? Refuse to take time off? Work to the point of exhaustion? Some of this may stem from your formative years as a child, and a need to feel validated. I know this can be tough to hear but often these behaviors come from our own internal struggle as we develop. Once recognized, can be remedied.

  2. Speak up. It is your responsibility to speak up when you need help. Your self care is in your hands the majority of the time. If you notice your sleep or overall well-being is suffering, then you might need some extra support.

  3. Take breaks throughout your day. Going on a walk, move your body, or find a quiet space.

  4. Hire help. If you spend your money in a cost effective and strategic way, you can have more time for your passion and expertise.

Work-life balance does not need to be a foreign concept, it can be cultivated over time. We each have a different relationship to our work, and what it means to us. The more awareness you can have of your behaviors, the more sustainable your business will be for you and your clients.

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